One berth, many marinas...
As a berth holder at Jachthaven Biesbosch, you not only sign up to a berth in one of the friendliest marinas in the Netherlands, but you can also enjoy affordable berthing at other member marinas of TransEurope, plus 14 night’s free berthing at any UK marina in the Yacht Havens Group.

Your home berth
The Blue Flag is an international eco-label that Jachthaven Biesbosch received in 2023 for the 18th year in a row. Since 2019 we have been awarded with a green pennant!
For you, this is a guarantee of a safe, sustainable and clean home marina.

Save on visitor berthing at TransEurope Marinas
Berth holders can benefit from discount cruising as part of our TransEurope Marina membership.
TransEurope Marinas is an umbrella partnership of more than 80 European marinas across 8 countries, which provide mutual discounts to visitors. As a berth holder at Jachthaven Biesbosch, you will receive a TransEurope Marina pass that gives you a 50% discount on visitor rates in all other TransEurope marinas, for 5 days per year at each marina.
The 80 marinas that make up the network are spread around the coasts of the Netherlands, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, the Canary Islands and, more recently, Portugal.
To acquire your membership card, please request this from the marina office, or apply through the Pick a Pier platform. Sign up to the app, go to your Profile > Memberships. Here you can Request Membership of TransEurope Marinas, providing your Boat Name and Home Marina (Jachthaven Biesbosch). Your request will be sent to the marina to verify and approve.

14 Nights Free, around the UK
As a berth holder at Jachthaven Biesbosch, you can enjoy 14 nights free as a visitor to one of the other marinas in the Yacht Havens Group in the UK. Fambridge Yacht Haven, for example, is easily accessible on the East Coast of England. Additional free nights are available by arrangement. Subject to availability.

As a Golden Anchor port of the Flemish Touring Association VVW, members with the yellow pennant receive a 50% discount on overnight stays.
"Great marina, good facilities and the discount via makes it very attractive!"
- Dhr. Mens, Blauwe Raaf, Visitor